Connect with ethical & experienced investors who are looking to make fair offers for great businesses like yours. If you're ready to sell your business quickly and for the best price, you won't find another opportunity like this!
When: Friday, December 6th, 2024, from 12 pm to 2 pm, local time
Where: San Jose, CA
We have limited seats. Please RSVP right away by clicking the link below.
During this free in-person event in San Jose, CA, you will learn:
What Your Business Is Worth Right Now if You Wanted to Sell Today
Where to Find the Best Buyers to Sell Your Business Fast!
How to Make Your Business Irresistible to Buyers+ Have Them Lining up to Make Offers
How to Save Thousands to Millions of Dollars in Taxes
When You Sell
How to Meet Hidden Pockets of Buyers Looking To Buy a Business Like Yours
How to Save a Fortune by Selling Your Business Yourself Without Using High-Fee Business Brokers
And Much, Much More!
Our team has decades of collective experience both growing businesses and investing in them, allowing us to identify and appreciate the true value of your business.
We are not just investors looking for the next deal but partners who understand and respect the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into building your company.
Above all, we put people FIRST. We are interested in your story, your journey, your team, your clients, and where you envision the future. This allows us to identify if we are a good fit to work together as we pride ourselves in ensuring the continued growth and success of the businesses we acquire.
Roland Frasier is an investor and business strategist with over 1,000 acquisitions and exits completed for himself and his clients. His current portfolio companies include real estate, restaurants, business and home services, events, eLearning, e-commerce, franchise and SaaS businesses.He has been a principle of 6 different Inc. fastest growing companies and serves on the Stanford University Advisory Board for Global Projects and their Family Office Steering Committee.
DeAnna Rogers is the Founder of Evolve Events, specializing in inside sales and monetization strategies. With a background in recruiting, logistics, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A), she excels in identifying and integrating business opportunities. Currently, she serves as the General Manager of EPIC Network, leveraging her expertise to drive successful business acquisitions for EPIC anf thousands of members worldwide.
SAM Khorramian
Sam is part of the EPIC Network, a community of more than 10,000 investors.
Find out once and for all how much your business is worth, whether your business is sellable or not, who might be interested in buying it and what you could expect them to pay for it. Many business owners discover multiple ways that they can easily change their business to make it worth significantly more to potential buyers.
This event is for ALL serious business owners that are ready or considering selling their business. From small local businesses to national operations, all business owners are welcome. Although this event is 100% FREE for qualified business owners to attend, our room does have a limited capacity. So make sure to fill out your application at the bottom of this page ASAP and get your seat secured.
YES!!! Over 90% of the business owners who attend this event will receive at least one offer from our business buyers. Did you know that if you try to sell your business the traditional way through a business broker or online business for sale site, there is a 80%+ change that your business will NOT sell? Statistics say that only 10-20% of businesses listed for sale actually end up selling. Why not avoid that risk and come to this event where you are virtually guaranteed to get an offer at the event?
Save your seat now to:
Receive a fair, market-driven offer for your business
Enjoy a straightforward, hassle-free selling process
Benefit from our transparency and ethical practices
Ensure the continuity of your business under experienced management
Experience peace of mind knowing your business is in the right hands